Thursday 18 April 2013

How to grow taller with height increasing insoles

Height increasing insoles will they make you taller? That is the question and the answer is yes unlike other methods you can try to get or grow taller a pair of height increasing insoles (also known sometimes as heel lifts by some) have been proven to increase your height. They work a bit like high heels but without the uncomfortably and foot damage. Height increasing insoles will give you up-to 3 inches extra height by giving you taller heels but you don't have to worry about foot damage or deforming your foot because height increasing insoles have got orthotics built in. Which means wearing a pair of these insoles is much more beneficial than even wearing normal shoes that are flat. Height increasing insoles can provide arch support and will actually absorb shock too... But enough of the comfort features these insoles give you, I will now talk about the height features. You can adjust you height with the height insoles easily with the use of stacks.. where you place one stack on top of another to add or take away height from the heel of the insole. This clever design means you can simply, quickly and easily reach the height you want in your own time. Because of this stack system it actually makes it quite easy for you to trick your friends into thinking your growing if you choose to adjust and add to your height every so often over a couple of weeks.. Clever I know! Plus nobody will know you have them on. Why? Because they are hidden inside your shoes of course!

And there you have it, now you know the clever peoples way to "growing" taller that requires no extra effort at all.

Comment below if you have any questions about these insoles?

Berries are good for your blood pressure

In a report published in the February 2011 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows professor Aedin Cassidy of the University of East Anglia and researchers from Harvard University, that a higher intake of anthocyanins, a type of flavonoids found in raspberries, blood oranges and black currant-may protect against high blood pressure.
The trial is the first to assess the influence of flavonoiders on blood pressure. It included 23.043 men who participated in the Health Professionals follow-up Study, and 133.914 women who participated in the Nurses ' Health Study. We assessed dietary intake every four years over a follow-up period averaging 14 years.

During the follow-up period had 34.647 participants diagnosed with high blood pressure. The research team demonstrated a reduced risk of high blood pressure with the men and women who took the most anthocyanins-specifically 8% lower risk of high blood pressure compared to the group that had the lowest intake. For participants under 60 years was 12% lower risk.

Strawberries and blueberries were the most common sources of anthocyanins among trial participants. Intake of one or more servings of blueberries per week gave a 10% lower risk of high blood pressure compared to the risk for individuals who do not eat fruit as part of the diet (these and 20 other fruit and vegetable extracts are found in the ORAC-MAX 21 capsules).

"Anthocyanins can very easily be included in the diet, as they are found in many common foods", notes Dr. Cassidy, which is affiliated with the Department of Nutrition at the University of East Anglia Medical School. "Blueberries are mentioned most often in the experiment, because it is the most common type of Berry in the United States. Other good sources are blackcurrant, blood oranges, aubergines and raspberry ".

"Our results are exciting-they suggest that a dietary intake of anthocyanins, which most people will be able to overcome, can help to prevent high blood pressure", he concludes.

Natural remedies that make a difference for health and well-being

berries are really healthy!

When it comes to our health, the berries have a great reputation: blueberries are jam-packed with antioxidants called anthocyanins, which can help to keep the memory in the form, as you get older, and raspberries contain ellagic acid, a substance with a cancer-inhibiting properties. All berries are great sources of fiber, which is important for a healthy digestive system, but two new studies suggest that the berries also can be good for your heart and your bones. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition gave a daily intake of just under a cup of mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black currants, Lingonberries and aronia) an increased blood levels of "good" DHL-cholesterol and a reduction in blood pressure-two positive things when it comes to maintaining a healthy heart. A second attempt made by Florida Study University suggest that polyfenolerne in blueberries may also help to maintain healthy bones after menopause.

Fenugreek gives your muscles the spice

Fenugreek is a traditional condiment in Asia and Europe. Training researchers interested in particular for bucks horns the amino acid extract, 4-hydroxyisoleukin. On the basis of the substance into the effect on glucose and insulin secretion, researchers from the University of Montana to Missoula for ­ recently examined this closer. After having cycled for 90 minutes in order to reduce the amount of glyco-gene in the muscles got some of the study participants a combination of glucose and 4-hydroxyisoleukin. The bike riders who got this combination, forming 63% more muscle glycogen during the four hours immediately after exercise compared to the participants, who only got glucose.

4-hydroxyisoleukins-enhancing effect on the restoration of muscle glycogen. If you want to try this new amino acid, take 1-2 g per kg of body weight-research shows that this is the effective dose.

Broccoli against Helicobacter pylori

Infection with Helicobacter pylori is widespread all over the world. Approximately 40% of the population in industrialized countries and 70% in developing countries are carrying the virus. The bacterium can cause peptic ulcers and provides favorable conditions for the development of stomach cancer. The infection can be treated with antibiotics, but 15-20% of the infected are responding pretty much not on reading. This is due to either that infection germ penetrates into the cells of the gastric mucosa, where it is protected against antibiotics, or that patients develop resistance to antibiotics.

The above study was to find active substances which were both useful as cheap enough to be used in developing countries. The researchers found by chance that patients with stubborn ulcers got it much better by eating broccoli. The sulforafan, which can be extracted by broccolifrø, showed a strong antibiotic effect against Helicobacter pylori also on tissue samples, in which sygdomskimen was located intracellularly. The active drug was more effective than resveratol from grape husks, allicin from garlic or epigallocatechin from tea leaves. Inter alia, could lower the number of mavekræft cases sulforafan in mice, which had been previously treated with benzopyrene.

Blueberries an impressive antioxidant

A number of researchers have studied fruit and vegetables for their antioxidant properties, and blueberry won – the small, dark berries are the most effective when it comes to eradicate free radicals.

In 2005, scientists found the mechanism that explains how blueberries can improve restore a healthy nerve function in aging brains. Their remarkable conclusion was that Blueberry's beneficial effects on brain function is analogous to the one you see in connection with prolonged reduction in calorie intake.

Blueberry extract helps to maintain a healthy blood flow using a variety of mechanisms, inter alia. by maintaining an already normal LDL cholesterol levels and endothelial function.

Bilberry's most active ingredients
The two most active ingredients of this health-promoting berries are antocyaniner and pterostilbene. Anthocyanins are considered to be nature's most powerful antioxidants-with features that go far beyond simply suppressing free radicals. Pterostilbene is another ingredient, which is helping to support a healthy lipid and blood sugar levels. Even more interesting is the fact that the ptero-style bene due to its unique biological effects may help to maintain healthy DNA structure.

Blueberries are attacking cancer cells
Blueberries, which Americans call "superfood", has added one more thing to his impressive list of good effects from eating them. American researchers have found out that Blueberry extract inhibits the growth of liver cancer cells and on top of that can cause them to uproot themselves. It is the great content of antioxidants, polyphenols, which helps them do this.

Blueberry makes you wise

A research team from Massachusetts and Florida have found that fruit reduces age-related damage in the brains of rats and mice. the researchers also found out that Berry can prevent reduction in brain capacity in mice which genetically predisposed to developing degenerative disorders in the brain.

Healthy diet

"These results, coupled with earlier studies on humans, evidence that a healthy diet can prevent the mental health in humans is reduced when we get older," says Dr. James a. Joseph at the University in Boston for the news agency Reuters.

Blueberries are namely spanked full of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important in order to stem the tide of free radicals. When the body burns oxygen, produced at the same time, free radicals, which are harmful by-products, which among other things can damage tissue in the brain.

Rodents, which consumed the equivalent of a cup of blueberries for humans, according to Joseph showed minor damage in the tissue in two important regions of the brain, and not just the Scientists believe that the berries. have a beneficial feature, in addition to the stem of the free radicals.

Influence of the brain

"Blueberries look for appear to have a direct impact on how nerve cells in the brain communicate with each other," claims Dr. Joseph. The researchers will now find out which compounds in blueberries, which finds its way into the brain, and study how the berries protect the brain.